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National Novel Month Winner
Exercise #293

Exercise #293: Craft
Posted 12/5/08

What is the difference between an analogy, a metaphor, and a simile?

First, some definitions:

Analogy -
* resemblance in some ways between things otherwise unlike, a similarity;
* a comparison between two things based on such resemblance.
Example: I explained “project management” to someone using an analogy of a Thanksgiving dinner; the act of coordinating guests, planning the menu, making all the dishes ready at the same time, etc. = a project.

Metaphor -
* a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them.
Example: Drowning in money.

Simile -
* a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by “like” or “as.”
Example: Cheeks like roses.

Got all that? Your task today is to find one of these things either in print, online, or make one up on your own, and then write your SUB based upon it as your prompt. For instance, I might use Shakespeare’s line (a metaphor) “The world’s a stage” and write a piece about an actor.

Critiquers, note which of the three is being used as the prompt. Did you recognize it as what it was?

Word limit: 1200
Please use the subject line
    SUB: Exercise #293/yourname

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