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NaNo Winner 2014
Exercise #635

Exercise #635: Self Knowledge
Posted 8/21/15

Does it bother you when the protagonist in a book does something unlawful with seeming disregard?

Four characters, led by our hero, bargain for use of a boat to be ferried across the river. Half the fee is paid up front and our group gets into the boat. One of our men then argues with the boat owner (as the owner claims the fee agreed upon did not include oars or the service of rowing), ending up by tossing him in the river. Our group then takes the boat and ferry themselves across.

This one actually ends with them returning the boat and including the rest of the agreed-upon fee (left in the boat as the owner is nowhere in sight) but I've read others where such things were left open-ended.

If you like television references better, there’s a Lay’s potato chip commercial which promotes theft: 

Give us a scene showing how you feel about these things.

As always, you may show a character tackling this exercise instead.

Critiquers, you might choose to answer these questions for critiquing the piece:
     * Did you catch any spelling errors or other standard proofreading items? If so, note them for the author.
     * Could you relate to this? If so, how?

 Word limit: 12000
Please use the subject line:
             SUB: Exercise #635/yourname

I consider this a self-knowledge exercise because how we feel about things we read or see can tell us a lot about ourselves, if we take the time to examine the feelings.

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