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Exercise #768

Exercise #768: Self Knowledge
Posted 7/20/18

You hear gunfire, and it’s very close. Quickly now, how do you react?

Got it? Get your reaction before you read on!

Got it now? Do you think so? Often our first answer is how we’d *like* to react. Take a moment now and reflect on how you think you’d really react. Are the two different?

Now change the equation and review it again, both for your first, immediate answer and your more thoughtful one. Some ways you can change it:
     * It’s almost 11pm and you don’t know if your daughter has come home from her date yet.
     * You’re in a mini-mart and the sound seemed to be just outside. (Does it depend on: a. almost done with shopping, and b. just started shopping, and c. gotta have those cigarettes.)
     * You live alone and your dog is growling.
     * You think it was from your neighbor’s house. (Does it depend on: a. good neighbor, and b. bad neighbor)

As always, you can choose to have a character do this exercise instead.

Critiquers, you might try answering these questions for critiquing the piece:
     * Did you catch any spelling errors or other standard proofreading items? If so, note them for the author.
     * Could you relate to this piece? Why or why not?

Word limit: 1200
Please use the subject line:
             SUB: Exercise #768/yourname

Why this is a self-knowledge exercise: Finding out how we would react - and how it compares with how we’d like to react - can be an enlightening experience.

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