Exercise #30: Self Knowledge Posted 11/21/03
Our characters need emotion to bring them to life for the reader. We all have the same emotions, and can therefore relate to them in a character.
For this exercise, we're going to give our character something to fear. Find a fear of your own, and experience it. Ideally, seek it out and take notes. Afraid of the dentist? Make an appointment for a cleaning. Of course, we may not have the time to do this, so if not, it's okay to just remember your fear. Find a memory of a time you experienced your fear and immerse yourself in it. Feel it. Then, give it to your character.
If you don't want to share your exact fears, feel free to change the fear your character has. Show us your character dealing with -- or just trying to deal with -- this fear. Make us feel it with them.
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #30/yourname