Exercise #8: Self Knowledge Posted 6/20/03
Put yourself in someone else's shoes.
For this exercise, pick someone you see. Without too much analyzing, imagine what it would feel like to be them.
To be truly successful at this one, you cannot use someone you know anything about (that's cheating!). How about that homeless man with the sign? The pimpled teenager serving your lunch? The fireman on the back of a fire engine rushing past, lights blazing? Perhaps the middle-aged man sampling colognes at Nordstrom's? The Jehovah's Witness who just rang your doorbell?
Do they have the same physical characteristics you do? Perhaps they're handicapped in some way. What does it feel like? Do they wear the same style of clothes you do? If not, how does it feel to wear something different? Do they have a job that's different from yours? What's it like to do that job?
Come back and tell us about it. Write up a section of time as that person. A storyline or exciting happenings are not required; just tell us how it felt. Then, if you're so inclined, tell us what you've learned about yourself from this exercise, because you will learn something. (Don't add the last part in your word count.)
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #8/yourname