Exercise #80: Craft Posted 11/5/04
Since this is one of my weak points, I'm revisiting senses in writing today. What the reader "hears," "sees," "touches," and "smells" while reading your work matters almost as much as what the words say. What color is the protag's hair? Is her skin silky smooth? Is the smell of newly mown grass in the air?
Pick one of the following everyday tasks and give us a scene where someone performs it. Include as many sensory impressions as you can. The finished piece does not need to be a stand-alone story.
Brushing hair Washing dishes Cooking dinner Sweeping the floor Taking a shower Doing the laundry Filling the car with gas Grocery shopping Sorting through the snail mail (as opposed to email, mind!) Taking out the garbage
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line SUB: Exercise #80/yourname