Exercise #87: Spark Line Posted 12/24/04
Pick one of the following lines and write!
"Synthetics have no memory." -- Frank Haversack
"The irritations of life are eased by the annoying reminder of death." -- JMW
"Sometimes evil drives a minivan." -- "Desperate Housewives"
"I love the smell of autumn." -- D. John Kroyer
"I believe in the power of dreams, combined with clear analysis and step-by-step goals." -- Elizabeth Able
"I'd like to leave behind more than just a boxful of fonts." -- JMW
"Great love takes great risks." -- Debbie Zamarripa
"Cupid works for the devil." -- Amy Dalley, "Men Don't Change"
"Both the major and minor flaps are perfectly butt-jointed and aligned." -- wexxar.com
"And socks are just like expectations ... one always gets away." -- Heartbeats, the musical
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #87/yourname