Exercise #1012: Webactive Posted 10/27/23
For today’s Webactive, you select the Web page you want to visit. You can go to one you browse a lot, go to Google and search for a topic you’re interested in then pick one of the results or you can randomly find one (for this I use Yahoo and follow an article that catches my eye).
Got it? Go there.
From this site, pick five words. If the first page doesn’t give you what you want, look a little deeper (About Us pages are good for this).
Got them? Good. Now write!
Remember to give us the words and the site at the top of your SUB.
Critiquers, along with a technical critique, you might answer these questions: * Did the author make a cohesive story or scene out of the words chosen? * Why or why not?
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #1012/yourname