Exercise #155: Interactive Posted 4/14/06
You’ve seen the awards people have posted this last week. Time to choose!
Pick one of the awards posted by someone else (you may not choose your own). With that award in mind, write your submission based on one of these choices:
Title: The Day I Won The ........ Award Title: Edward and the ..... Award (or Edna and the .... Award) Ending Line: With a grin, she handed me the ...... Award. Ending Line: I landed with a thump, the ..... Award still cradled in my arms. Beginning Line: “You’ve been nominated for the .... Award!” Beginning Line: I’d never heard of the ...... Award before.
(As always, you may change pronoun gender and/or tense in these lines.)
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #155/yourname