Exercise #196: One Word Posted 1/26/07
Pick one from each list, combine the two to make a new compound word. Define and use your new word in your piece
Good, soft, fuzzy: Bad, hard, strong:
velvet soot oath minion cloud dust lace ash puppy fang baby steam wool stone flannel ice breeze fire meadow diamond home steel library razor silk budget
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line SUB: Exercise #196/yourname
Example: My two words are peace (good, soft, fuzzy) and backbone (bad, hard, strong). I combine them to make “backbone peace,” which I define as the peace that occurs after wartime has ravaged a country for many years. The locals don’t give up, and the aggressors finally quit for lack of funds or some other reason. A backbone peace is where the oppressed win from strength of will, not might. My SUB might be a tale taking place in such a village.