Exercise #226: Question Posted 8/24/07
Today’s Question exercise comes to us from Linda Olinger. Linda said, “I saw this really odd message in the Penny Saver and thought it would make a great spark for an exercise. It reads as follows:
*FELICIA F., It's very important you contact me-its life or death. Juanita R.
Now I find my self wondering what could this lady need to discuss so badly? What led to this odd message being sent? Why on earth did she use the Penny Saver?”
(The Penny Saver is our local free ad magazine, delivered into our mailboxes weekly whether we want it or not. I’ve also changed the names, but not the format, to protect the innocent or not-so-innocent.)
So here’s your question:
* What do you think happened here?
You may choose to either a) describe the scene which triggered the advertisement, or b) describe what happens when Felicia answers it.
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #226/yourname