Exercise #273: Self Knowledge Posted 7/18/08
The world we grew up in was very different from the world today. Today’s pre-schoolers might have computers in their classrooms, and today’s high-school auto shop students might have to pretend to have cars to work on.
One of the big changes is the Internet. It’s everywhere, now, and the introduction of digital photography has done wonders for capturing those special moments.
Take a minute and visit this site: http://www.joshuathomasaaron.com/
Thinking of your own childhood, imagine the differences this kid will have. What do you think it would be like, growing up with such a Web site following you around?
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #273/yourname
This self-knowledge exercise will make you think about the ways today’s childhood is different from your own, and hopefully will trigger some memories from those days.