Exercise #365: Prep Posted 4/8/10 - 4/22/10
Each person was asked to submit a few of their “magic” words, the ones they delight in finding in a book, hearing in a movie, or seeing on the Web.
Submitted by Mellissa Green: Creative artist Writing English grammar
Submitted by Steven Williamson: Brown butter Campfire Compost
Submitted by Donald Campbell: Gay (nineteenth century) Atavistic Felicitous Anarchic Hessian (nineteenth century) Mull Rusticate Peripatetic
Submitted by Susan Frank: Chocolate Mystery Teacher
Submitted by Jo Best: In the story: Wild Desert Enlightenment Magic Passion Distant land
or seen in a story's description: Exotic Passionate Epic Twisted Gripping Vivid Earthy Human
Submitted by Mamie: Mesmerize Mysterious Precarious Menacing Fascination Illusion Eccentric
Submitted by Sue Levy: Panorama Tickle Delicious Starlight Feather Filigree Fluffy
Submitted by Sally French: Love Health Friends
Submitted by Anna Edmonds: Chocolate Beach Free Sleep Truth
Submitted by Sharona: Inspector Remember Coast Sunshine Forgive
Submitted by Richard Kirby: Awareness Expectation Image Intimation Clue Envision Transfigure Spell
Submitted by April Toche: Agonizing Horrific Unyielding Fateful Scary Heart stopping Anguish Love Adoration Faith Believe Joy
Submitted by Marge Sallee: Exquisite Miraculous Enchanted Spellbound Rapscallion Vagabond Imperial Majestic
Submitted by Glory: Mystical Moonlight Translucent Willowy Effervescent Spindly Crooked Mysterious
Submitted by Tyger Schonholzer: Time travel Force field Humanoid Cats Power
Submitted by Cathy Furlani: Scent Vapors Yellow
Submitted by Carlisle: Afoot Moor (or mull) Brougham Cathedral Shiloh (sanctuary)
Submitted by Terry Struse: Cognition Distinction Misanthropic Overwhelming Extreme Groking (hippie term meaning 'to commune with') Introspection Sentient
Submitted by Sharon Tabor Warren: Forged on the battlefield Unholy compulsion Complex web Mutual attraction Complicated and tragic life Desperate for answers Mesmerizing story Emblematic figure Talented woman Unsolved
Submitted by Allyson Maurer: Solar Robotic Song Darkness Sweet
Submitted by Krys Douglas: Sunrise Daffodils Thunderhead Smile
Submitted by Joan Kilgannon: Thunder Spiral stairway Horse
Submitted by Allan Jokisaari: And If But Or What
Submitted by Rachel: Marquis Soporific Savannah Lavender Orchestral Riparian Antiquity Classical
Submitted by Bette Stafford: Reached Placid Azure Skeptical Breeze Lucid Inertia Downy Fastidious Encased
Submitted by Jan Shannon: Insouciant Niche Bawdy Confluence Trenchant Calescent Conniving