Exercise #423: Craft Posted 6/3/11
Occasionally in our Craft exercises, we delve into a particular type of writing. Today, we’ll try our hands at writing an ode.
Wikipedia has a pretty good article on odes here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ode.
I visited a few sites about odes and I believe an ode is an irregular poem which may have rhyming elements. The ode is usually praise about a specific person, place or thing. Most of the ones I found had about thirty lines in three sets of ten per stanza. This site has several examples of various length: http://www.webexhibits.org/poetry/explore_classic_ode_examples.html.
Pick your subject, examine what you like about it, and write your ode!
If you wish, you may include a brief summary of how this exercise felt to you.
Critiquers, along with the usual technical critique, note how well you think the author met the requirements of this exercise. Does their ode work? Why or why not?
Word limit: 1200, including summary Please use the subject line SUB: Exercise #423/yourname