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Exercise #464

Exercise #464: Self Knowledge
Posted 4/20/12

Today’s exercise comes from Steven.

He said, “They say a person’s life flashes before their eyes, just before the end of life. Show us these flashes for a character or perhaps what you hope to see yourself.”

For this exercise, I would recommend showing a character answering this exercise rather than using yourself.

Critiquers, along with a technical critique, you might note what you can tell about the character. Male, female, good person, bad person, troubled life or not? Do you see some of yourself in these images? Why or why not?

Word limit: 1200
Please use the subject line:
             SUB: Exercise #464/yourname

Why this is a self-knowledge exercise: This exercise might make us look to ourselves to draw on images from memory, or to look at our own lives as seen through these images.

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