Exercise #472: Self Knowledge Posted 6/15/12
Choose one of the no-meaning acronyms below and determine what it stands for. Write down the first two definitions that come to mind.
Review what you’ve decided. What do your definitions say about you? Trouble answering that? Try doing a 10 minute freewrite about it and see what comes out.
You may give us a short essay about what you’ve learned, or write a fiction piece based on your definitions.
As always, you may choose to show a character completing this exercise.
Acronyms to choose from (not intended to be actual acronyms):
Critiquers, along with a technical critique, you might note whether you can tell anything about this author based on what they’ve submitted. Please note the acronym definitions are not required in their piece, so you may have to go only on something fictional!
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #472/yourname
Why this is a self-knowledge exercise: This exercise might give us some insight into how we think.