Exercise #475: Craft Posted 7/7/12
Let’s revisit plot.
Some of us plot a story extensively before we start writing, while some of us tend to let the story plot itself. Whichever way you go, something about the story fires your imagination enough to write it.
How do you pick where the plot should go?
If you are the planning type, answer these questions in a short essay: * You’ve got an idea for a story; do you consider more than one plot line before writing it? * How detailed do you get in drafting a plotline? * You clearly see two very different plot possibilities; how do you decide which one to write? * You’ve written your first draft of the story and the plotline isn’t turning out as well as you’d hoped; what do you do?
If you are the plot-as-you-go type, answer these questions in a short essay: * You’ve got an idea for a story; do you consider plotting at all before writing it? * Do you usually have some kind of idea where you want a story to go or do you “follow” the characters? * You’ve written your first draft of the story and it isn’t going where you’d hoped; what do you do? * You’ve written your first draft of the story and you now have a better idea of where it should go; do you change it? Why or why not?
For an added challenge, consider the questions in the other “type” as well.
Critiquers, along with the usual grammar, spelling, etc, review, consider these questions: * Was this piece helpful to you as a writer? * Why or why not?
Word limit: 1000
Please use the subject line SUB: Exercise #475/yourname