Exercise #489: Your Thoughts Posted 10/12/12
Today's exercise comes from Krys (though I doubt she remembers it).
Krys said, “I was reading a novel a few days ago, when a character used the word (?!) 'beige-y.' I wondered if I could do something with that; here's the result. Michelle, one of my favorite prompts of yours was one where you asked about the color of a headache. Maybe you can create some other color-based prompts, even a beige-y one.”
So here you go . . . choose one of these color-based prompts and write!
* What color is your soul?
* Your spouse wants to paint the bedroom a color you can’t stand.
Critiquers, along with the usual grammar, spelling, etc, review, consider these questions: * Did the color have no impact, make or break this piece? * Why or why not?
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #489/yourname