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Exercise #490

Exercise #490: Self Knowledge
Posted 10/19/12

Today’s exercise comes from Jo. Thanks, Jo!

Write a review; can be complimentary or a rant of a family member or a friend, then write what you think the same person would write about you. Tell what you learned about the exercise. This can be first person or about two characters.

You may, if you wish, show a character tackling this exercise instead.

Critiquers, you might choose to answer these questions for critiquing the piece:
     * Did you catch any spelling errors or other standard proofreading items? If so, note them for the author.
     * If the review was good, did it make you want to meet the person? If bad, are you glad you don’t know him or her? Why or why not?

 Word limit: 500 for each piece
Please use the subject line:
             SUB: Exercise #490/yourname

Why this is a self-knowledge exercise: This exercise may tell us something we didn’t know we thought about someone else, or it may tell us something about ourselves, as we write it.

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