Exercise #568: Pick Six Posted 4/25/14
Today’s exercise comes from Tyger.
Roll two dice three times, to give yourself three sets of random numbers from 1 to 12. Got 'em? Each number will correspond to a section below. The first number will be your choice from the first set of twelve, the second die's result will be your choice for the second set, etc. Got it? Okay, here we go.
Your character is: 1. Peter Mercer 2. Annette Gray 3. Mashtubi Kardoah 4. Lord Arthur Ramsey 5. Oliver Nations 6. LaKisha Watkins 7. Francis Webber 8. Ruth Vanderwater 9. Rick Spader 10. Karl Smith 11. Teri Van Gulden 12. Kenye Stephens
and what s/he does for a living is: 1. Bartender 2. CEO 3. Teacher 4. Biologist 5. Sleuth 6. Musician 7. Nurse 8. Welder 9. Priest/Priestess 10. Salesperson 11. Journalist 12. Meteorologist
His or her Zodiac sign is: 1. Capricorn 2. Aquarius 3. Pisces 4. Ares 5. Taurus 6. Gemini 7. Cancer 8. Leo 9. Virgo 10. Libra 11. Scorpio 12. Sagittarius
Got it? Now look up the horoscope of your character for the day, week, month, or year and use its predictions as though they already happened to write your story.
Don’t know where to go for a horoscope? Try https://shine.yahoo.com/horoscope/ for one that doesn’t seem to pop up any ads or play music I didn’t ask for.
Remember to let us know what your choices were.
Critiquers, along with a technical critique, you might consider using the WildAcres technique. http://www.winebird.com/html/critique.html#HowWildacresTech
Word limit: 1200 words Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #568/yourname
* Don’t have any dice handy? Try putting slips of paper with the numbers 1 through 6 in a hat, or go to this site: http://www.random.org/nform.html