Exercise #610: Interactive Posted 2/27/15
You were asked to submit a character, an item and an adjective. Time to play!
Review all the Exercise #610 Prep posts and choose one character, one item and one adjective. They cannot be your own offerings, and I recommend you pick them all from different contributors.
Can’t choose? Drop the numbers from the Prep grid here in a hat and randomly draw.
Got your choices? Now, you get to choose again:
a) Take your character, item and adjective and tell us a tale, or
b) Fit your character, item and adjective into one of these four quotes by replacing items, adjectives and characters already there, and use that as the basis for a tale (for a sample, see bottom of this message):
"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.” -- George Herbert
"Each person has his strong point.” -- Aesop
“Beware of the person with two faces.” -- Dutch proverb
“The person with burnt fingers asks for tongs.” -- Samoan proverb
Please note the larger word limit.
Critiquers, along with a technical review, you might note how well the author created something either from a new quote or just using the selections.
Word limit: 1500 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #610/yourname
Sample for quotation replacement -
Original quote: "Beware of the person with two faces.” -- Dutch proverb
Character: motorcycle policeman Item: #2 pencil Adjective: pudgy
New quote: "Beware of the motorcycle policeman with pudgy #2 pencils.”