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NaNo Winner 2014
Exercise #612

Exercise #612: Pick Six
Posted 3/13/15

Roll a die three times, to give yourself three sets of random numbers from 1 to 6. Got 'em? Each number will correspond to a section below. The first number will be your choice from the first set of six, the second die's result will be your choice for the second set, etc. Got it? Okay, here we go.

Your character is:
1. a young boy who wants to be an astronaut
2. a young girl who wants to be a ballerina
3. a teenage boy who wants to be a race car driver
4. a teenage girl who wants to be a doctor
5. a middle-aged man who wants a new motorcycle
6. a middle-aged woman who wants grandchildren

and there is a pet in the home:
1. a dog
2. a cat
3. a bird
4. a snake
5. a fishtank
6. a hamster

and a letter arrives:
1. from an eastern college
2. from the bank
3. from the government
4. from an attorney
5. from a relative residing in another country
6. from a neighbor

Got it? Put them all together and tell us a tale. Remember to let us know what your choices were.

Critiquers, along with a technical critique, you might consider using the WildAcres technique.

Word limit: 1200 words
Please use the subject line:
             SUB: Exercise #612/yourname

* Don’t have any dice handy? Try putting slips of paper with the numbers 1 through 6 in a hat, or go to this site:

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