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NaNo Winner 2014
Exercise #627

Exercise #627: Webactive
Posted 6/26/15

Think of a question you’d like answered and then visit this Web site:

Consider your question and the answering “word” and let that combination spark your SUB. Please include your question and the answer either above or below your piece.

Critiquers, along with a technical critique, you might consider how creative the author was with the items given.

Word limit: 1200
Please use the subject line:
             SUB: Exercise #627/yourname

If you cannot access the Web, email me privately with your question and I'll give you your word answer.

If you cannot think of a question, email me privately and I’ll give you one. 

Example: I asked it “Will I get that promotion?” and I got the word “discommode.” Hmm... maybe I don’t want to apply for that promotion! (My SUB, were I to write one, would likely be about someone who gets a promotion which then discommodes them.)                  

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