Exercise #628: Craft Posted 7/3/15
Today’s exercise comes from Steven.
Show us a conversation around a water cooler, break room, dinner table or anywhere you find people gathered. Use only dialog.
Sound too easy? Make it between three or more people, with JUST DIALOG, no tags like “’Well, I think…’ Beth began.’” or “Josh yelled, ‘Stop it!’”
See if you can keep the reader interested, engaged, and following who is speaking to whom.
So much of what we take in during the day is through hearing. Imagine you were in a cubicle and overheard the conversation. What can you tell? Who is controlling the dialog? Or imagine you are at the next booth in a restaurant and overhear a couple arguing (or making up!). How can you tell which it is?
Remember, nothing but dialog, and dialog only!
Critiquers, along with a technical review you might answer these questions: * Was this exercise helpful to you as a writer? * Why or why not?
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line SUB: Exercise #628/yourname
Note: There are quite a few exercises about dialogue; search for it on the Craft page to see them all. http://www.winebird.com/html/craft.html