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Exercise #673

Exercise #673: Craft
Posted  6/3/16

Today’s exercise was prompted by Richard Kirby’s response to the recent STYLE: Littlest, Parasitic Words discussion. In it, he said, “When I think of stream of consciousness, I think of James Joyce and Virginia Woolfe.  For them, s.o.c. was more than just a chaotic outpouring of brain stuff.  It usually worked to advance the reader's understanding of characters and events.”

Let’s try some stream of consciousness writing today. You might want to review this article on the technique (includes examples!):

For your SUB, your character is minutes away from committing a crime. Use stream of consciousness to give us some insight into how s/he is feeling, further our understanding of the plot or show us the motive for this action.

Critiquers, along with a technical review you might answer these questions:
     * Was this exercise helpful to you as a writer?
     * Why or why not?   

Please note the larger word limit.

Word limit: 1500
Please use the subject line
       SUB: Exercise #673/yourname

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