Exercise #674: Your Thoughts Posted 6/10/16
Today’s exercise comes from Richard.
He said, “The ending is a bit ‘Deus ex machina’, a bit contrived so as to end happily for the hero. Because of the duality of all human experience, no serious human story ends in total happiness or total defeat, but rather as a mixed bag of good and bad. (Granted, that is an opinion not shared by the purveyors of ‘happily-ever-after’ fiction.)
Write a non-happy ending story?”
So there’s your challenge; write a story which doesn’t have a happy ending. Please remember to put a warning on your SUB if you use questionable language or excessive violence.
Critiquers, along with the usual grammar, spelling, etc, review, consider this question: * Does this story work best as is or would you rather have read it with a happy ending? Why?
Please note the much larger word limit; this piece should be a complete story.
Word limit: 2500 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #674/yourname