Exercise #679: Self Knowledge Posted 7/15/16
Today’s exercise comes from Basheesima.
She said, “It has been very rainy and I curled on the couch next to a fire and did some reading. This caught my eye and thought it might be a fun/interesting prompt to do.”
I, on my side, require of every writer, first or last, a simple and sincere account of his own life. . . some such account as he would send to his kindred from a distant land... --Thoreau, Walden
Critiquers, you might choose to answer these questions for critiquing the piece: * Did you catch any spelling errors or other standard proofreading items? If so, note them for the author. * Could you relate to this? If so, how?
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #679/yourname
Why this is a self-knowledge exercise: Basheesima sees it as one. :-)