Exercise #690: Self Knowledge Posted 10/21/16
How much patience do you have?
I’m finding I don’t have nearly enough. I would have told you I knew I didn’t have much but the sheer deficit I’m facing is daunting.
Think about one of these scenarios and show us how much patience you have (or don’t have).
1. Standing in a grocery line while the people in front of you go back for something they missed. 2. Having out-of-state relatives visit . . . for several weeks. 3. Enjoying a meal in a restaurant while the table next to you allows their children to run wild.
As always, you may choose to show a character tackling this exercise.
Critiquers, you might try answering these questions for critiquing the piece: * Did you catch any spelling errors or other standard proofreading items? If so, note them for the author. * Could you relate to this? If so, how?
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #690/yourname
Why this is a self-knowledge exercise: We may think we have more patience than we do. Understanding our limitations (or not) could allow us to function better in life’s situations.