Exercise #745: Craft Posted 2/2/18
Today’s exercise comes to us from Sharona. She said, “I think I might have mentioned ‘transitions’ to you before. I'm thinking specifically of time or locale rather than point of view. Those are confusing to write.”
It’s important not to lose your reader; sudden changes of timing or location without clear indication of the switch can sometimes do that. Ever watched a show where they keep going back and forth in time? Sometimes the clues to the switch are subtle but with visual cues it can be done - the hero’s got hair when he’s young and doesn’t when he’s old, for instance. In writing we don’t have those visual cues.
For today’s exercise, show us a transition specific to time or location. Paraphrase the first scene, then write out the transition which would lead your reader through the change in time or location, then paraphrase the following scene. Word counts for the paraphrasing do not count toward your limit.
You may choose to tackle either or both time and location in your piece, and you may do two of these in your SUB.
Critiquers, along with a technical critique, you might consider answering these questions: * Was this piece helpful to you as a writer? Why or why not? * Could you easily follow the transition(s)? Why or why not?
Word limit: 800 words, each transitional section only Please use the subject line SUB: Exercise #745/yourname
Can’t think of one? Email me privately and I’ll send you a couple of scenes with switches that might help kick-start your work.