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Exercise #775

Exercise #775: Craft
Posted  9/7/18

Today’s exercise is prompted by Shirley, who sent me one from a novel prompt Web site. I cannot use theirs, of course, so thanks, Shirley, for the nudge to write this one.

(For a bit more detail on the difference between perspective and point of view, you might see Exercise #633.)

For today’s exercise, we want to explore perspective in our writing.

Write a short scene (not a full story) which includes at least two characters and a problem. For this scene, use a POV that allows you to share the POV character’s thoughts. First person or omniscient would work well. Include as much detail as you can within the word count, with special attention to the main character’s motives and desires.

Ideally, we’d like a fully-fleshed scene (not story) when you’re done.

Now re-write it from another character’s POV, using the same directions as above: same detail, same scene and the same POV as in your first piece.

Share both versions in your SUB. You may also include a summary of what, if anything, you learned by doing this. (Ask yourself if the second version may have changed because you had the other character’s perceptions as you wrote it.)

Critiquers, along with the usual technical critique, you might answer these questions:
     * Was the SUB helpful to you as an author? Why or why not?
     * Did you find both perspectives believable? Why or why not?

Word limit: 650 for each perspective, 400 for the summary
Please use the subject line
       SUB: Exercise #775/yourname

If you can't think of a scene to use, email me privately and I'll supply one or three.

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