Exercise #801: Craft Posted 4/5/19
Today’s exercise is inspired by Sue’s recent MISC post “The Adverb is Not Your Friend,” from Stephen King’s book “On Writing.” Thanks, Sue!
Write out a brief scene, without giving any thought to whether or not you’re including adverbs. Make it short but fairly detailed - at least one character engaged in an activity, and describe what’s happening. I think this works best if you do it as a “free write” and just let you words flow onto the virtual page.
Got your scene?
Now review it carefully for adverbs. Find any? Are they needed? Rewrite your scene, with the “no unnecessary adverbs” rule in mind.
To post, share both pieces with us, and/or give us an essay about what you discovered.
Critiquers, along with the usual technical critique, you might answer these questions: * Was this piece helpful to you as a writer? * Why or why not?
Word limit: 500 for each; draft, rewrite, essay Please use the subject line SUB: Exercise #801/yourname