Exercise #833: Self Knowledge Posted 12/20/19
How do you measure love? The bread I purchased from the grocery store proclaims in big bold letters “Baked with LOVE.” So . . . I wondered, do they add half a cup to every batch?
For today’s exercise think of someone who loves you now (or loved you in the past). How do you know they love you?
For today’s exercise, show us a scene where we, too, can measure the love.
As always, you can choose to have a character do this exercise instead.
Critiquers, you might try answering these questions for critiquing the piece: * Did you catch any spelling errors or other standard proofreading items? If so, note them for the author. * Could you relate to this piece? Why or why not?
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #833/yourname
Why this is a self-knowledge exercise: Examining how we can tell someone loves us might help us show someone else our love for him or her. It just might also help us recognize our love for our selves.