Exercise #899: Word Play Posted 5/14/21
Today's Word Play comes from a suggestion by Sue.
The original assignment she participated in was to write a haiku every day for a week. The article linked below gives a lot of good information, including what the author learned by doing this. For us, while it’s okay to take a week, you can compress that time if you like.
I’d suggest a writing theme - how you write, where you write, why you write, why you don’t write, what distracts from writing, etc. - but it’s not required.
For your SUB, give us your best two haiku and a summary of what you learned.
Critiquers, you might choose to answer these questions for critiquing the piece: * Did you catch any spelling errors or other standard proofreading items? If so, note them for the author. * Do you think the author did a good job with this prompt? Why or why not?
Word limit: Up to two haiku and 750 words for the summary Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #899/yourname