Exercise #976: Craft Posted 1/6/23
I’m reading Star Trek novels. While some of them are pretty good, a few are a bit . . . not so much. Why I’m telling you, though, is the character names and places are sometimes unpronounceable.
For today’s exercise, share with us your thoughts about this. As an author, do you try to avoid such names? If not, do you include pronunciation? As a reader, how do you handle it when you come across a name you can’t figure out? (As a parent, what do you do when reading a bedtime story?)
Critiquers, along with the usual grammar, spelling, etc, review, consider these questions: * Could you relate to this piece? Why or why not? * Was this piece helpful to you as a writer? Why or why not?
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line SUB: Exercise #976/yourname