Exercise #977: Prep Posted 12/23/22 - 1/12/23
Each person was asked to submit up to nine complete sentences.
From Wmson:
1. The wind howled down the empty alley. 2. Barbara took a breath to calm herself and entered the restaurant. 3. Deep in the woods he found a large red rock. 4. The blank screen mocked Frank. 5. The elephants were migrating in search of water. 6. A feral cat screamed in the night, splitting the silence. 7. As her ship entered the docking station, Nan sensed a problem.
From Sue:
8. She knew, in spite of all the encouragement, her plan would not succeed. 9. Not a student in the class had a single clue about what would happen if their assignment was not submitted. 10. At night, the sounds were magnified and Lisa was petrified. 11. If you have to ask why I love you, you will be surprised at my answer. 12. The gift was perfect!
From Jo:
13. The normally quiet bubbling stream had become a torrent of mud. 14. Rufus, a home-loving shepherd has disappeared from our locked house. 15. Just as we gathered around the Christmas tree, the power went out. 16. Ordering online was handy during the pandemic, but it can also be a nightmare. 17. I woke up to a loud knock on the small attic trap-door. 18. Angry and unthinking, Kira stormed into the forest and became lost, every tree looked the same with low-hanging snow-covered branches.
From Laura:
19. Melanie knew she was being annoying but she could not stop talking. 20. Where was everyone? 21. The lightning came out of nowhere. 22. The interview did not go as planned. 23. Why was everyone staring at her? 24. This can’t be happening, not now and not to her.
From Seth:
25. I have learnt that people are usually more than their outer shell 26. Her face blanked as I talked leaving me with absolutely no idea what was in her mind 27. Opening my mouth, I tried to find the right words to call off the game she was playing on me. 28. I couldn't casually shove her out the door when she was hurting my spirit so badly.
From Joe:
29. Joanne was one of two children by her father, and one of five children by her mother. 30. As I stirred the spoon in the water, the white specks of unidentified material dissolved. 31. Harlan lit the candle and stared out into the blackness. 32. With the combination of steady rain and an unending queue of traffic, the discarded, cardboard box completely disintegrated. 33. When I drink Caol Ila whiskey, I get notes of bacon, gravel, maple syrup, and smoke.
From Sharon:
34. She gently closed the window and walked from the room. 35. If there'd been something louder than hollering, Ed would have done it. 36. The road was empty and silent; no-one stirred inside the car. 37. Adrian's ears throbbed and shrilled hours after the explosion. 38. Lisa's body and mind melded into the deepest relaxation she had ever experienced. 39. Freddy was ready for anything; he quivered from head to tail at the joy this day would hold.
From Amaris:
40. Cindy watched warily from her perch on the boulder. 41. The edge of the road ran, quite literally, along the edge of the cliff, and pieces of asphalt crumbled over the edge into empty space. 42. "We have to get that oxygen tank!" Ed shouted, shoving away from the wall and floating in slow-motion toward the porthole.
From winebird:
43. Wi-fi has gotten complicated. 44. No doubt about it, the spider was dead. 45. Calendars make me queasy. 46. There's a winter storm warning - all week long! 47. Turn left at the blue house on the second corner. 48. The five minutes at the microwave are the longest five minutes of the day. 49. Wanna wrestle for it? 50. As long as it gets done, does it matter who does it? 51. Paul should be the one scribing.
From Nancy:
52. Every new day begins a new year. 53. Life is full of second chances. 54. She wasn’t sure how he would react to the news. 55. There’s comfort in being a creature of habit. 56. “You’re home early!” 57. All of his old and no longer used belongings had emotional tags of value. 58. If she had just left five minutes earlier this all could have been avoided. 59. No longer the figure of herself after the accident, she sat slumped in the recliner facing the wall~sized portrait of her husband and young family. 60. They were high school sweethearts meeting for breakfast not having seen each other for over four decades.