Exercise #990: Self Knowledge Posted 4/21/23
How safe are you? I’m not sure if we can truly answer this question but it has many avenues to explore. The one I’m focused on is personal safety at home, so you might rephrase it as “How secure is your living space?”
We had our septic tank pumped out and the easiest access is the next door driveway, but there’s a typical six-foot wooden fence between them and we have the “ugly side” inside, which is the side with the footholds. I always felt safer that way.
Until I was waiting in the front yard for the septic guy to come back over so I could show him where the gate was, etc. I waited and waited and waited . . .
He had quickly and efficiently removed two boards from my fence, allowing him enough access to squeeze through. Eye opening!
Today, explore your living space. Your house, your yard, your neighborhood or just your room. How safe do you feel? How safe are you? Now, write!
As always, you may choose to show a character answering this exercise instead.
Critiquers, you might try answering these questions for critiquing the piece: * Did you catch any spelling errors or other standard proofreading items? If so, note them for the author. * Could you relate to this piece? Why or why not?
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line: SUB: Exercise #990/yourname
Why this is a self-knowledge exercise: We often make assumptions about things even when we think we aren’t. Really looking at our safety may help us find some of these erroneous assumptions and learn a little about ourselves in the process.