Exercise #995: Craft Posted 6/2/23
What do you do with the things you write?
If you are aiming for a publishing market, think about answering the following questions: * How do you choose your market? * How much research do you do for the piece you create for that market? * Have you ever considered a different type of market? If so, what and why?
If you aren’t seeking publication, try these questions: * If not for publication, why do you write? * What do you do with your completed work? * Do you think you might ever try to find a market? Why or why not?
Critiquers, along with the usual grammar, spelling, etc, review, consider these questions: * Did the world created match the names in involved? Did you have any trouble with visualization or pronunciation? * Was this helpful to you as a writer? Why or why not?
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line SUB: Exercise #995/yourname