Exercise #997: Self Knowledge Posted 6/18/23
How many things are you attuned to or waiting for at this very minute? I bet there are more than you know consciously. For instance, yesterday my husband was puttering around the house and his coming-and-going resulted in the triple chime of the house alarm periodically. That tells me one of our “portals” - any opening that’s wired to the alarm like doors and windows - was opened. Not a concern when I know he’s home but once we were both in the kitchen when we heard that sound. You don’t realize it, but you’re listening for it all the time.
My short list is my phone text notification (it could be my mom needing something), my work PC instant message notification (it could be my boss needing something), the cat meowing (it could be the cat needing something), the dog barking (it could be someone at the door needing something), the slightly different sound of a vehicle pulling up out front (it could be a friend needing something) and that house chime (it could be a burglar needing something). And that’s the short list; I’m sure I’m forgetting a bunch.
It amazes me how we notice, react, resolve each one so quickly. For today’s Exercise, think about your own list and write!
As always, you may choose to show a character answering this exercise instead.
Critiquers, you might try answering these questions for critiquing the piece: * Did you catch any spelling errors or other standard proofreading items? If so, note them for the author. * Could you relate to this piece? Why or why not?
Word limit: 1200 Please use the subject line SUB: Exercise #997/yourname
Why this is a self-knowledge exercise: Our brains are so much more complex than we realize (think about that one for a minute, go ahead) and we take for granted how well they perform for us. Recognizing our abilities may help with our self-esteem, or maybe we’ll find a place we need to practice a bit.