Exercise #611: Craft Posted 3/6/15
Our Krys-inspired Craft journey continues. In the first section, we met your “person.” Review Exercise #602, if you need a refresher on that part. In the second section, we found out about your person’s lifestyle. Review Exercise #607, if you wish.
The remaining parts are: * The Environment, March * The Completed Character Sketch, April
Please read the exercise guidelines carefully, in order to get the most out of these sections. For the parts, you may choose to use any “character” you wish, though the exercises will always use “person” and “he” for ease of writing them.
The Environment.
For this exercise, show us where and when your character lives. Show us his neighborhood, how he spends his time outside the home. You may choose to put a time period on this section. You may add more to what was covered in The Person and/or in the Lifestyle if that is necessary. You may add a conflict, if that is outside the home.
If you use a story scene to illustrate, again please do not introduce any other human characters. (No dialog!)
Critiquers, along with the usual technical critique, you might answer these questions: * Was this piece helpful to you as a writer? * Why or why not?
Word limit: 750 Please use the subject line SUB: Exercise #611/yourname